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Personal Assistants Register

Welcome to the Ideal for All Personal Assistants Register. In consultation with our commissioning partners, we have engaged with our web site provider to develop this Register for anyone whether an adult, young person or child wanting to employ a Personal Assistant (PA), and for PAs looking for work.

The register has been conceived and created using best practice examples across the country contributing to this web base resource. We understand how time-consuming and frustrating a process it can be. It is our aim to simplify the process of recruiting a PA for you.

Many Direct Payment support staff at Ideal for All have experience of recruiting for ourselves and for others so we understand how difficult it can be. There are many people looking for a PA with a specific range of skills and experiences and there is also an increasing number of people looking for PAs to meet their bespoke needs, however, up till now there has been no easy way for PAs to find employers and vice versa. We sincerely hope that this register will provide a simple and easy-to-use solution for you.

Direct Payments Manager

PA Register Disclaimer